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Humanities Matters Grants

The Humanities Institute supports problem-focused or public humanities faculty-student collaborative research, scholarship, and other creative activity in the humanities that addresses particular social problems or public needs, or responds to the needs of community partners. Topics may be drawn from an array of disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas in the humanities, including humanities and the environment, humanities and medicine, public history, etc. Awards will be given to faculty-student projects led by individual humanities faculty or interdisciplinary faculty teams that include at least one faculty in a humanities discipline. Funds can cover the cost of materials (except for hardware), consultations with other scholars, expenses related to publication, travel to conferences, and other kinds of activities. Eligible research projects may be course-generated, co-curricular, or paired with independent studies.

Winston-Salem Partners Grants

The Humanities Institute fosters and encourages the development of partnerships that demonstrate how the humanities contribute to the common good, illumine and inform social issues, and help link classroom learning to the larger world. Funding or co-funding for collaborative community research will provide the means for establishing links with community partners and will be used for a wide range of endeavors including research on local topics, cultural projects, digital humanities projects, and humanities symposia that bring together scholars and community partners.