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Coping with Quarantine

At the Humanities Institute we want to keep in touch, and we want to help maintain camaraderie. Answer as many of the following questions as appeal to you. Keep your answers short. We’ll select and edit, and post responses weekly here on our website and on social media (Facebook and Twitter). Bonus: if you wish, send along a photo of yourself that gives a sense of your present work environment, for better or worse.

Send your responses to Aimee Mepham, HI Assistant Director at 

Ten Questions

  1. Are you reading anything that’s giving you insight or useful and usable distraction at this point?
  2. How about music? Films?
  3. What is the best website, twitter feed, or other source of information, humor, insight, or distraction that you’ve found lately?
  4. What do you miss the most about being on campus?
  5. The least?
  6. What research, scholarship, or academic meetings have you had to cancel or miss?
  7. Are you rescheduling any of the above, or . . . ?
  8. What’s been the biggest challenge about working at home?
  9. Picked up any new skills or hobbies, or revisited any old ones? (Zoom doesn’t count as a skill)
  10. Complete the following: “I can’t wait for summer, because then . . .”